Under the tackling inequalities campaign, we are launching 8 weeks pilot project Box-Ability to help people specifically with complex disabilities or wheelchair users to be more active via weekly online delivery and local in-person sessions when possible, starting 22nd Oct 2020.
People have told us this is potentially better for them as they don’t have the venue access barriers or transportation issues, most of whom also classes as high risk.
We will be working on adapted exercises including boxercise to help people move better, get stronger in their own home. We set out to search for workable and safest solutions to overcome visual difficulties and explore and discover audio, kinaesthetic feedback in partnership work with carers, with as many adaptation as possible, we are aiming to encourage movement occurrence in this challenging time.
Starting 22nd Oct 2020 at 5pm
Small group with limited spaces, booking essential
Please email Nora@envolvewell.co.uk to book