BoxerciSEN is an in-person and online community project that encourages families living with additional needs to become more active together by taking part in Boxercise workshops. 


The sessions use boxing movements with other exercises to create a safe, fun and exciting experience. People with SEN can enjoy a sense of belonging to a non-judgemental group which improves confidence and social skills at the same time as enhancing physical wellbeing.


Bring the whole family along and enjoy BoxerciSEN together.


How It Can Help: (6 bullet points max, 12-15 words max each)

  1. Inclusive coaching builds confidence and minimises barriers
  2. Improves muscle strength and concentration using pad work, footwork and other exercises
  3. Develops greater hand-eye coordination,
 balance and agility
  4. Enjoyable and engaging for all to stay active,
 while feeling socially included and successful
  5. Flexible and non-competitive in order to encourage participation
  6. Building friendships online helps transition 
to eventual in-person sessions