This online, on-demand physiotherapy-based programme aims to support people with long-term health conditions to be more physically active. 

The programme, which is suitable for all, delivers exercise routines with weekly focus on mobility, balance, strength, functional movement, falls prevention, posture, flexibility and mindset. Each video offers a short, accessible exercise session with a range of tailored options, so you can get the workout you need. 

If you struggle with stamina, strength coordination, balance or your motivation to move more is low, then this is a great way to get started.


How It Can Help: (6 bullet points max, 12-15 words max each)


  1. Physiotherapy-based exercise for those requiring specific support
  2. Improves mobility, strength, balance, posture and stability
  3. Reduces risk of falls 
  4. Flexible and remote support tailored for individual’s needs
  5. Online and offline support for people with time constraints or digital skill limitations
  6. Builds confidence and maintains independence