An in person and online community project that encourages families living with additional needs to become more active together, through taking part in Boxercise Workshops. Family BoxerciSEN incorporates boxing movements with other types of exercise to create a safe, fun yet exciting experience, which offers the additional benefits of building confidence and resilience, whilst reducing anxiety.

These classes for people aged 6+. They are ideal for family groups with disabled children, along with neurotypical siblings and other family members or friends.

How it can help/benefit

  • Adapted and autism friendly
  • Help reduce social and travel anxiety with online support
  • Building friendship online help transition to in person session
  • Flexible and non-competitive to encourage participation
  • Pad work, footwork drills and a variety of exercises to improve muscle strength, concentration
  • Develop greater hand-eye coordination, balance and agility
  • Inclusive coaching for building confidence, minimise barriers
  • Enjoyable and engaging for everyone to stay active, feel socially included and feeling successful

Sessions now online every Tuesday AT 5pm